Podpora #157
Tracking issues.
I am using a GPXviewer version 1.43 on my Samsung Galaxy A41 with Android OS version 12.
Since a couple of weeks the traking feature is not working properly, the track is a sequence of straight line segments and sometimes the tracking stops and restart after a while.
I did not change or upgrade the phone SW or setup.
Can you help to solve?
If I have to disinstall and reinstall GPXviewer can I use mi credentials or I have to pay again?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and regards.
Updated by Anonymous almost 2 years ago
Good afternoon,
thank you for your message. Could you please attach few screenshots so we can visualize the situation since as of now I am not able to assess the situation.
If you reinstall the application or install it on another device you dont need to pay.
Kind regards,
Lucia Kuibickova
Updated by Anonymous almost 2 years ago
- File Screenshot_20230428-111446_GPX Viewer PRO (1).jpg Screenshot_20230428-111446_GPX Viewer PRO (1).jpg added
Hi, here you have the example of not proper tracking.
Awaiting for your reply.
Best regards.
Updated by Anonymous almost 2 years ago
Thank you for the reply.
Can you please check the important note in our manual: https://docs.vecturagames.com/gpxviewer/doku.php?id=docs:faq:how_to:record_track#important-note
That should help you to set up the battery settings in order so they dont play with the gps usage.
Kind regards,
Lucia Kubickova